In 2002 we visited orphanages and political refugee camps in Sri Lanka. Most of the children at Fridsro Children Home were found wandering in the jungle after they have lost their families and homes in the civil war. These children were taken in and educated to hopefully one day become productive to their society. At the refugee camp, we passed by war zones where we found bullets still embedded on walls of homes. There are lots of people out there who are alot less fortunate than we are. When we find ourselves being unhappy about how hard our lives are. Please take a moment to realize that we are alot more blessed to live in a country that brings us freedom and opportunity. We will realize that we are alot more fortunate than most other people on earth.
Sri Lanka Missionary Trip 2002 Orphans waiting to be treated. |
Sri Lanka Missionary Trip 2002 A child being treated by Dr. Luong with team member. |
Sri Lanka Missionary Trip 2002 Adults at political refugee camp waiting patiently to be seen. |
Sri Lanka Missionary Trip 2002 Children playing at Fridsro Children's Home while waiting to be treated. |